Kamis, 23 Februari 2017



 Learning English text in high schools today is about advertisement. What is advertisement text and how is the generic structure organized? This is the articles about the definition and the generic structure of advertisement as functional text. what is the best is that the articles completed with 11 samples.
Learning English in high school now concerns to types of text. There are genres, functional text and transactional or interpersonal dialog text. One of functional text is advertisements. Together with
announcement, brochure, leaflet, and banner, advertisement text is often found in many English test. So below is what we understand about advertisement text.
Advertisement is a public announcement in a newspaper, television, or internet advertising something such as a product for sale, services offered or an event.
According to many experts, advertisement text is a public announcement commonly found in a newspaper, television, or internet advertising. Sometimes it is about a product, services, or an event for sale. How an advertisement text is arranged by the writer, below is the generic structure:
1. Purpose : What is the purpose of the writer to compose the advertisement text?
2. Name of product : This is about name and brand. What product, service or events to sell?
3. User : Who need the product? What ares the product and service for?
Now let see the following samples of advertisement for several products or services. Remember, as advertisement is written to persuade the readers, it is close related to hortatory exposition and
analytical exposition text.
👉 example advertisement phantom bike

I think that is the best bike you can have. The feature said in the advertisement are beautiful colors, cantilever frame, leather saddle, and many more. You can read from the bike advertisement

Advertisement text is one kind of functional texts which should be studied in classroom when students of high school are learning English. This kind of approach in learning is famous as text base approach.

Besides learning some functional texts, studying English through text based approach also focuses on developing reading skill on some stories texts. One of them is understanding a narrative text. This is an entertaining story which teaches moral lessons. Another variety of stories covered by the method of text based approach is understanding a
twisting spoof text. It is an unpredictable funny story. To excel student;s reading skill, giving reading materials on review text for simple product description is very recommended.
Shortly, learning English in high school is covering a wide range of topics. Student learn some example of functional text, exercise with reading material of text genres, and practice transactional-interpersonal speaking. So happy learning English!😊

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